Worried About Frozen Pipes? Help Prevent Them With These Tips

Why Winterizing Pipes Is Essential

When preparing for winter weather, Michigan homeowners might overlook the importance of winterizing their pipes and helping prevent frozen pipes. This is an important step, as frozen pipes can have major consequences for property owners. Frozen pipes can leak or burst, causing major water damage and messy repairs.

To avoid these problems, plumbers recommend homeowners try to prevent frozen pipes with easy steps. Here is a guide to understanding the risks of frozen pipes, the importance of applying insulation to the pipes, and other tips to keep pipes from freezing.

Threats of Frozen Pipes

why frozen pipes are so dangerousWhen a pipe freezes, it is at risk of rupturing and leaking or bursting. This requires immediate plumbing repairs, as it can quickly lead to flooding and major water damage. Before a homeowner realizes it, their flooring, drywall, and electrical systems can suffer damage and require expensive repairs.

When electrical work encounters water from a leak or burst pipe, it can cause dangerous situations for the household. A leak can also lead to the growth of mold and mildew, which can put families at risk of respiratory issues and other illnesses from exposure to the contaminants.

Why Pipe Insulation Is Important

how pipe insulation helpsTo avoid pipe bursts and leaks from frozen pipes, homeowners can apply insulation to the lines. Adding pipe insulation can prevent pipes from freezing as these layers of protection help keep pipes warm, keeping the water at a consistent temperature to avoid freezing.

Insulating pipes will not only help households avoid frozen pipes, but it can also help reduce energy bills by preventing the water heater from overworking and reducing heat loss. Insulation for pipes can also increase the lifespan of a pipe through condensation control, as condensation can cause corrosion and rust.

Other Tips to Prevent Frozen Pipes

Homeowners have other options available to help them prevent frozen pipes, in addition to applying insulation. They can also take measures to keep their house warm and perform minor home improvement projects. Households should keep their house at a constant temperature all winter, even when they are away on vacation, to keep pipes warm and avoid freezing.

On extremely cold nights, they should also open the cabinet doors to let the warm air hit the pipes and let the water run at a trickle to keep it flowing to prevent the water from freezing. Households should also seal any gaps around the doors and windows where cold air might be getting in and drain and remove hoses. They can also drain all outdoor water lines before the temperatures get too cold to prevent freezing.

About Superior Plumbing, Heating & Air-Conditioning, Inc.

Superior Plumbing, Heating & Air-Conditioning, Inc. is a family-owned and operated company serving Waterford Township and the surrounding areas. They offer flat rate pricing, prompt service, and a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Call them today for plumbing and leak repair services in Waterford Township, MI.

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