Frequently Asked Questions

Whether you need expert plumbing or HVAC repair, you can trust the pros at Superior Plumbing, Heating & Air-Conditioning, Inc. in Waterford Township, MI, because we have two decades of experience.

Superior Plumbing, Heating & Air-Conditioning, Inc. is a family-owned and operated plumbing and HVAC contractor in Waterford Township, MI, dedicated to delivering high-quality work at fair prices and an exceptional customer service experience.

During our 30+ years in the industry, we get asked many questions, but some crop up more than others.

Imagine turning on your heater on the first cold day of the season, and it smells like it’s burning. This happens for several reasons; some are simple fixes, while others require professional help.

Dust: If a heater sits dormant all summer, there’s a good chance it’s filled with dust. Dust builds up on components like the heat exchanger and burners and emits a burning odor when you turn it on. This is normal; the smell will disappear once the dust has completely burned off.

Old Furnace Filter: Many people have a terrible habit of not changing their filters regularly. A clogged filter impedes your system’s performance and can be responsible for the burning odor as mold and mildew accumulate. If changing the filter doesn’t remove the smell, you may need to invest in getting your ductwork cleaned.

Something in the System: If your heater emits an odor of burning plastic or robber, it could mean something lodged in the ducts or the system that shouldn’t be there, like kids’ toys or another foreign object.

Electrical Issues: If your furnace or heater emits an electrical odor, shut it off and call a professional technician as soon as possible. Wear and tear or shoddy installation could damage the system’s wiring, leading to odor and other complications.

The best way to reduce or eliminate foul heater odors is by hiring a professional like Superior Plumbing, Heating & Air-Conditioning, Inc. for annual maintenance and tune-ups.

Many people call us when their water heater makes noise, worried that it’s about to explode. Noises like popping, gurgling, whistling, or hissing are scary, but they don’t usually mean disaster is about to happen. Here are the most common reasons your water heater is noisy.

Popping: Popping noises are due to sediment buildup in nearly every water heater, especially in areas with hard water. Steam bubbles form under the sediment and burst through, making a popping sound.

Banging: This is sometimes called a water hammer, and it happens when the water in the system forcefully changes direction and creates pressure. A water hammer is strong enough to burst pipes, so it’s best to call a professional plumber to solve the problem.

Whistling: A high-pitched whistle is typically caused by water under pressure leaking from a small opening. In most cases, this happens because a valve isn’t completely open or is malfunctioning.

Hiring a plumber for routine maintenance will eliminate these pesky noises and help your water heater last longer. Call Superior Plumbing, Heating & Air-Conditioning, Inc. for assistance in Waterford Township, MI.

The last thing you want on a hot day is your air conditioner to act like a heater when you turn it on. Here’s what could be causing this.

Incorrect Thermostat Settings: Double-check the thermostat to ensure it’s set to “cool” and the temperature is below the room temperature.

Dirty Air Filter: A clogged air filter restricts airflow, causing the system to struggle to keep you cool. You should replace the filter every three months.

Low Refrigerant: Low refrigerant levels can affect the system’s cooling efficiency. Call a professional HVAC technician if you suspect you’re low on refrigerant.

Dirty Evaporator or Condenser Coils: Dirty coils can cause your system to lose cooling power. Cleaning them should solve the problem.

Clogged drains are one of the most common plumbing problems, and they happen for various reasons.

Hair and Soap: Hair binds with soap, creating a sticky mass that grows in the pipe, eventually leading to a clog.

Grease: When you pour oil down the drain, it cools and solidifies. Food waste can also get trapped, leading to a backed-up drain.

Tree Roots: Tree roots are notorious for sewer line clogs. Roots gravitate towards water, so even a tiny leak in the sewer line will attract them. Tree roots burrow into the pipe and grow, causing the clog.

Most experts and HVAC manufacturers recommend annual HVAC maintenance. Air conditioners should generally be serviced in the spring before the cooling season and furnaces in the fall before the heating season.

Regular maintenance helps identify issues early, improves efficiency, and extends the system’s lifespan.

SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, a measure that represents the ratio of the cooling output of an air conditioner over a typical season divided by the energy it consumes.

A higher SEER rating means better efficiency, meaning the unit uses less power to deliver the desired temperature. The minimum SEER rating for new air conditioners in the United States varies by region, starting at 13, with some systems going over 20.

Note, however, that the higher the SEER rating, the more expensive the system, and choosing the highest number doesn’t necessarily mean you’re getting the best system for your particular needs, which is why you should consult with a professional.

If you have a plumbing or HVAC-related question, contact us at 248-673-7260, and we’ll do our best to answer it. Our background-checked and drug-tested technicians in Waterford Township, MI, are here to help!