Add a Water Filtration System in 2024 to Improve a Household’s Health

How Whole House Water Filters Improve Health in Households

When homeowners start to question the safety of their tap water, they need to purchase a whole home water filter. These systems provide numerous advantages to households, including assurance that their home’s water supply is safe and healthy.

Plumbers in Waterford Township, MI, explain why it’s essential for property owners to install a water filter, the benefits they provide, and what signs can indicate a unit is failing.

reverse osmosisPopular Types of Water Treatment Systems

If households suspect their water quality is low, they need to install a water filtration system to remove contaminants. This will keep their family safe when bathing, cleaning, cooking, and consuming water.

Numerous types of water filters are available, like carbon filters and reverse osmosis systems. Carbon filters absorb the contaminants from the water, resulting in clean water in the water system. Reverse osmosis systems use filters to trap particles, letting only water flow through.

Households can also use UV water purifiers or ion exchange systems. UV water systems use UV rays to eliminate bacteria and viruses from water. In ion exchange systems, an exchange occurs to swap unwanted heavy metals for less harmful ones in the water.

Distillation systems can also be used to treat water. These turn water into steam to remove contaminants. The steam is then turned back to pure water to be safely used again.

If homes have hard water, they should install a water softener. These systems remove minerals from water to soften it. By doing this, the plumbing system and plumbing fixtures can last longer.

clear waterWater Filtration System Benefits

Households can significantly benefit from installing water filtration systems. These units protect families and prevent them from getting sick by removing contaminants from the water, including bacteria, viruses, and other dangerous particles.

These systems can also benefit households by improving the taste and smell of the water and protecting plumbing fixtures and appliances from hard water. Water filters also eliminate the need for homeowners to spend money on bottled water.

When Water Filtration Systems Need to Be Replaced

To ensure their water is safe and clean, homeowners need to recognize the signs that can indicate their whole house water filtration system is malfunctioning and needs to be replaced.

Waterford Township, MI, plumbers recommend watching for key signs indicating you need to install a new water filtration unit.

Some physical signs households should watch include if the water has a brownish tint, strange odor, or odd taste. Homeowners should also watch for frequent clogs in their plumbing system or signs of hard water – including dry skin or brittle hair.

About Superior Plumbing, Heating & Air-Conditioning, Inc.

Since 1981, the Superior Plumbing, Heating & Air-Conditioning, Inc. team has provided excellent services to Waterford Township. A family-owned and operated company, they offer flat-rate pricing, 100% satisfaction guaranteed, and a 2-year labor guarantee. Call them today for water filter installations in Waterford Township, MI.

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