How Annual AC Maintenance Saves You Money

central air conditioner maintenance

Like your car, your home’s central air conditioner needs regular maintenance to ensure it operates efficiently and reliably. A dirty, unmaintained air conditioner not only costs you money by using more energy to operate it will cost you down the road when repairs are needed prematurely and the unit needs replacement ahead of its expected lifespan. An unmaintained central air conditioner may last 10 years, while a regularly maintained AC could last longer than 15 years.

We recommended that you have a qualified AC technician inspect and maintain your air conditioner annually and that you replace your furnace air filter monthly and keep the outside unit clean and clear of debris.

Consider these facts:

“A dirty filter will slow down air flow and make the system work harder to keep you warm or cool – wasting energy and leading to expensive repairs and/or early system failure…A buildup of .042(1/20) inches of dirt on the heating or cooling coil can result in a decrease inefficiency of 21%.” –

“1/8th of an inch of dirt and dust build-upon the blower wheel can reduce airflow by up to 30%” – Texas A&M Study

A reduction in cooling efficiency of 20-30 percent can have a real impact on your utility bill.

Professional AC Maintenance Service

In addition to keeping your air conditioner clean, a Superior A/C tune-up includes lubricating moving parts, checking coolant levels, inspecting the blower motor, belts, electrical systems and much more. So call us today to schedule your AC tune up and keep your cooling system is operating reliably and efficiently for years to come.

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